- A probability distribution is the probabilities of all possible outcomes for a random variable.
- Discrete random variables are finite and countable (e.g. number of days on which it rained) whereas a continuous random variable can be an infinite number (e.g. rainfall for each day - the possible outcomes between 1 and 2 inches is infinite 1.00001, 1.0002, etc.) and is described as ranges instead (e.g. prob. that rainfall will be between 1 and 2 inches or, say, less than 1 inch).
LOS 9b: Describe the set of possible outcomes of a specified discrete random variable
- For discrete distribution p(x)=0 when it cannot occur and p(x) > 0 when it can.
- p(x) means the prob that rand. variable X=x
- For continous distribution p(x)=0 even though x can occur (because x cannot be a single value) so only p(x1 <>
- For price changes, generally use continuos e.g. prob. that price will be between $1 and $2
- Probability function p(x) is the prob. that a rand. variable = a specific value.
- Two key properties:
- 0 ≤ p(x)≤ 1
- Sum of p(x) = 1 ... this makes sense since the sum of all probabilities should be 1
- Both the PDF and the CDF are cumulative functions
- A probability density function (or pdf) describes a probability function in the case of a continuous random variable. Also known as simply the “density”, a probability density function is denoted by “f(x)”. Since a pdf refers to a continuous random variable, its probabilities would be expressed as ranges of variables rather than probabilities assigned to individual values as is done for a discrete variable. For example, if a stock has a 20% chance of a negative return, the pdf in its simplest terms could be expressed as:
- A cumulative distribution function (cdf) is constructed by summing up, or cumulating all values in the probability function that are less than or equal to x and is very similar to the cum. freq. except for probabilities. May be expressed as F(x) = P(x ≤ x)
LOS 9d: Calculate and interpret probabilities for a random variable, given its cumulative distribution function
Take a prob. function for X={1,2,3,4], p(x) = x/10 which means that for the set of the whole numbers 1,2,3,4 the probability of each is 10%, therefore, f(3) is 0.6 which is the sum of 1/10, 2/10 and 3/10 i.e. the cumulative probabilities of all numbers up to and including the number in question. Same process if the prob's are different for each outcome.
LOS 9e: Define a discrete uniform random variable and a binomial random variable
- The above function is a discrete uniform random variable i.e. the prob. of each number occuring is equal i.e. for x={a,b,c] the p(a)=p(b)=p(c)
- The prob. for a range of outcomes is p(x)k where k is the number of possible outcomes in a range
- binomial random variable is the number of "successes" given a number of trials where the outcome is binary ("success" or "failure"). Might be used for the probability of a stock moving up once to $4.55 (the "success" is the up move might be duu where the d and u cancel) after n periods (the number of trials).
- Definition of "success" is crucial to this working out.
LOS 9f: Calculate and interpret probabilities given the discrete uniform and the binomial distribution functions
In English, this says multiply the number of combinations that you could have x successes out of n trials by the proportionate prob of success and by the proportionate prob of failure.
Expected value of X for Binomial Random Variable
For a given series of n trials, the expected value is n * p
i.e. if we perform n trials and the prob. of success on each trial is p we expect np successes.
LOS 9g: Construct a binomial tree to describe stock price movement
this is fairly straightforward. Remember: If the up movement is 1.05 it means the price increases by 5% so mult. 1.05 by the stock price. the down movement will be the reciprocal 1/1.05.
LOS 9h: Describe the continuous uniform distribution and calculate and interpret probabilities, given a continuous uniform probability distribution
- A continuous uniform distribution describes a range of outcomes, usually bound with an upper and lower limit (say a and b), where any point in the range is a possibility.
- Since it is a range, there are infinite possibilities within the range. In addition, all outcomes are all equally likely (i.e. they are spread uniformly throughout the range).
- To calculate probabilities, find the area under a pdf curve.
- Basically, take the range between a and b is 100% of the prob. so the 100 divided by all the values between a and b gives you the prob. for each. Sum the number of values in the range you are looking for and mult. them by the prob. of each.
- Technically, this is achieved by the following: P(x1 ≤ X ≤ x2) = (x2-x1)/(b-a) where x1 to x2 is the value range you are looking for and b to a is the range of all values.
LOS 9i: Explain the key properties of the normal distribution, distinguish between a univariate and a multivariate distribution, and explain the role of correlation in the multivariate normal distribution
Normal distribution has following properties:
- completely described by mean and variance
- skewness = 0 and kurtosis = 3
- the tails are asymptotic
- 90% = 1.65
- 95% = 1.96
- 99% = 2.58
Univariate = distribution of one variable
Multivariate distribution
- is dist. of more than one variable and is meangingful only when the variables are dependent on one another.
- If the return of each variable is normally dist. then the distribution of the portfolio will be normal as well.
- Want a low correlation among your portfolio assets.
- 0.5n(n-1) will tell you the number of variances and means you need to describe mult. distribution
LOS 9j: Determine the probability that a normally distributed random variable lies inside a given confidence interval
if μ is $1 and σ is 5% we can say that 66% of the time, the expected return will be ± 5% (one σ) or between $0.95 and $1.05. So the confidence intervals for this example will be:
- 66% = x±1σ
- 90% = x±1.65σ
- 95% = x±1.97σ
- 90% = x±2.58σ
LOS 9k: Define the standard normal distribution, explain how to standardise a random variable, and calculate and interpret probabilities using the standard normal distribution
Standardise translates the value into a number of standard deviations so it can be compared to confidence intervals and a probability determined. This is called the z-value and is the diff. between the observation and the mean divided by the standard deviation or:
A z value of +1 would mean that the obs is one standard deviation above the mean, a z value of -1 means it falls one standard deviation below the mean.
Calculating Prob's using z-values
Standardise the value and then look up the appropriate prob. in the z-table.
- NB watch out for greater than or less than since the z-table is cumulative.
- If your z-value is 1.65 and you want to know prob of outcome being less than x then prob. is 90% since 90% of outcomes fall below x.
- If you want to know prob of outcome being more than x then prob is 1-0.90 or 10% because this is the small bit that isn't covered in the 90%
LOS 9l: Define shortfall risk, calculate the safety first ratio, and select an optimal portfolio using Roy's safety first criterion
- Shortfall risk is focus on both risk and return as opposed to simply the return
- Maximise SFR i.e. just like with Sharpe ratios, you want the highest SFR possible as it gives you the best prob. of returns greater than threshold.
LOS 9m: Explain the relationship between normal and lognormal distributions and why the lognormal distribution is used to model asset prices
- Normal dist. are bilaterally symmetric and can take on any value
- lognormal is always greater than zero and skews to the right
- lognormal is generated by ex and natural log (ln) of ex is x
- lognormal for asset prices because they cannot be negative
- lognormal for modeling price relatives i.e. end of period divided by begin price
LOS 9n: Distinguish between discretely and continuously compounded rates of return and interpret a continuously compounded rate of return, given a specific holding period
- use discrete (normal) compounding for interest that compounds during specific times
- use continuous (lognormal) compounding for continous
- Annual rate (continuous) is ln(1+HPR) or rate of return[2nd][ex]-1 e.g. if portfolio returned 20% then continuous compounding is found by ln 1.20
- Get return from annual rate (or holding period return) by reversing it i.e. 1+annual rate [ln]
LOS 9o: Explain Monte Carlo simulation and historical simulation and describe their major applications and limitations
Monte Carlo
- allows for "what if?"
- can simulate many possible variables and situations
- complex but is only as good as the underlying assumptions
Historical simulation
- based on historical data but past performance does not guarantee future results
- does not allow "what if?" scenarios
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